What is Domain Whois Information?
Domain Whois information is a registration system that includes information such as who registered a domain name, the registration date, the last update date, the domain name's owner, and the identity information of technical and administrative contacts. Whois information is generally created automatically when the domain name registration process is completed and is usually accessible to everyone. This information is used by the domain name system (DNS) on the internet and can also be used to resolve legal or technical issues related to domain name registration.
How does Whois query work?
WHOIS query is a protocol that allows the display of identity information of internet domain names, IP addresses, and other internet resources. WHOIS combines information obtained from many different sources and presents it to the user when a query is made.
What is hidden Whois record/information?
Hidden WHOIS record is a service that allows a domain name owner to hide their personal information from the public. This service is particularly useful for individuals who want to prevent their personal information from being used for spam, identity theft, or other malicious purposes.